Tier I Text--FORI/QtA Routines

Recommended daily - 40 minutes

This UURC model is designed to help educators become more effective and efficient at delivering Tier I reading instruction so that all G2+ readers -- especially those who struggle -- improve fluency and comprehension for immediate & transfer grade-level texts. This research-based model allows for whole class instruction, utilizing content-rich and challenging main selections -- both narrative and informational -- from the core program, as well as other grade-level 'wide-reading' text. Using Fluency-Oriented Reading Instruction (FORI), a fluency model developed by Stahl, Kuhn, Schwanenflugel & their colleagues (2003, 2005, 2006, 2008) students accrue 'miles on the page' as teachers scaffold challenging text through purposeful planning and use of consistent, interactive routines. Teachers also employ Questioning the Author (QtA) comprehension routines (see Beck & McKeown 1996, 2004, 2006, 2010) to help students build a deep model of meaning for text.

  • Day 1: Read-To/Silent Read w/Preview & Basic Queries
    • Preview of text is brief, interactive (oral and written), includes key vocabulary--and relates to the major understanding.
    • Using precise prompts, read entire selection aloud, with appropriate prosody and stopping points. Students read along silently & finger-track.
    • Intersperse with QtA Basic Queries (general, open ended, no follow-up).
  • Day 2: Echo Read w/Review & Deep Queries
    • Review of text is brief and interactive (oral and written) with reduced scaffolding.
    • Using precise prompts, and cloze reading, model a few lines of text. Read with appropriate prosody and stopping points, as students finger-track. Students then echo chorally. Repeat until selection is finished.
    • Intersperse with QtA Deep Queries, focusing on text content and text structure, targeting the major understanding. Use kid-friendly language, then translate into academic language.
    • Utilize pair share routines (with closure), where appropriate, for enhanced comprehension and engagement.
  • Day 3: Partner Read with Review & Kid Comp QtA
    • Review is brief and interactive, with reduced scaffolding.
    • Student partners face each other on chairs--read chorally, and finger-track. Partners take turns being the 'leader' on alternating pages, using precise prompts.
    • Intersperse with QtA Kid Comp Question and Answer. "What does the author want us to know about this part?"
  • Day 4 & 5
    • All three routines used for wide or related text
Writing About Text Tier I Routines

Recommended daily - 40 minutes, OUTSIDE of Fori/QtA

This UURC model is designed to help educators who have FORI/QtA expertise, deliver effective and engaging Writing About Tier I Text Instruction. This research-based model allows for whole class instruction, writing about content-rich and challenging main selections -- both narrative and informational -- from the core program, as well as other grade-level 'wide-reading' text.

  • Preparing to Write
    • Develop Teacher Organizer and include Theme and Author's Purpose.
    • Develop Student Organizer, Writing Prompt, and Draft -- utilize frames for draft, as needed.
    • Provide blank Organizer for each student.
    • Read Prompt, using Tier I Text Routines -- Read-To and Echo Read.
    • Project a blank Organizer and lead interactive review and writing (bullets) of key content. Utilize Tier I Text engagement routines, such as Forced-Choice/Choral Response, Pair-Share, morphology mini-lessons, and Echo Spelling.
    • Implement individual Student Organizers, as part of Tier I Text, Day 2 (Echo Read), and Day 3 (Partner Read) review.
    • Lead interactive (Forced-Choice/Choral Response, Pair-Share) review, and sequencing of organizer, using the term "sequence" and numbering Organizer according to prompt focus.
  • Drafting
    • Students will access completed Student Organizer, lined paper, and pencil.
    • Use a document camera to model drafting in front of students.
    • Reread and review prompt.
    • Use Organizer and pre-written student draft/frame, as a guide--make instruction explicit and interactive.
    • Scaffold writing by using Sentence Stems, Forced Choice/Choral Response for questioning, Pair-Share for an ending to a sentence starter, and "copycat" writing.
    • Lead in chorally reading & rereading draft.
    • Reread Prompt periodically, to determine and confirm direction.
    • Rove and monitor student work.
Tier I Advanced Word Study Routines

Recommended daily - 20 minutes

This UURC model is designed to help educators deliver effective and engaging Tier I Advanced Word Study Routines. This research-based model allows for whole class instruction--utilizing the six syllable types, to successfully decode multi-syllabic words, to automaticity.

    • Utilize Advanced Word Study Scope and Sequence -- Modules 1-11
    • Review lesson plans for module, with appropriate focus (intro, accuracy, or fluency).
    • Develop and start each lesson, with Word Bank -- beginning with Vowel Sound cards, adding digraphs and blends, as needed. Utilize "think-say" prompts, and sort into two piles (o.k. and needs work).
    • Use direct teaching to introduce new concepts. Maintain student engagement (choral responses) and brisk pacing.
    • Select and use words that target the concept(s).
    • Model at least 4 White Board words, with concept questioning (e.g., vowels, consonants, syllable type, vowel sound, break-up), then scoop and read.
    • Briefly teach difficult vocabulary.
    • Provide guided practice through an activity that matches students' phase of development (accuracy-92%, then fluency). Accuracy trumps speed!
    • Dictate 4 spelling words, written in individual student notebooks -- using correct spelling procedures.
    • Direct student mark-up of spelling words, with verbiage.
    • Roam and monitor, correct spelling errors immediately.
    • Conduct individual Word Study Checks to establish automaticity.